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Community programs

Brighter Path Program

Mentoring Achievement Program was designed to target 2nd & 3rd grade students. The goal of this program is to offer academic assistance to young males of our future community. This program will assist young men with their homework, community life and future ambitions to better themselves for a perfect future. Currently there are no grade requirements or restrictions set on this program but members of this program will be encouraged to keep their grade up.

Join Our Movement

The typical FBA employee/volunteer has many goals and vision, however, the biggest of them all is simply, “making a difference in the lives of youths."

The foundation's picture is to create an environment that will meet the needs of most disadvantages that our youths may face. In doing so, our goal and mission is to provide the support they need by offering programs within the organization that is tailored to their needs. In the FBA program, these young men are surrounded by other supportive mentors who share the drive to achieve educationally and exercise their creativity in a way that will help them become successful leaders.

If you are looking to volunteer, mentoring a child is a great avenue. If you want to contribute but don't have the time to volunteer, consider donating to the organization, a program or an event.

Designed to target young men in grades 4th – 6th. The goal of this program is to offer our future leaders the positive guidance they will need to better themselves and become more productive individuals in their homes and communities. Each student that is selected must maintain a C+ average on a 10pt scale to remain active in the program.

Mentoring Achievement Program



The goal of this program is to show our kids the value of service and the positives of helping your community. Each child participating in this program should receive 300 community hours a year; half of these hours can be outside of the program or with another organization.

Project Serve


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